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ICA24: Why Submit to CSaB?

Who Are We?

Communication Science and Biology (CSaB) promotes domain-general scientific research with relevance for the study of communication processes and systems. CSaB members value open, rigorous and replicable research. Empirical studies following primarily a quantitative approach and employing experimental, observational, and/or meta-scientific research designs are welcome. In addition to programmatic research leading to novel findings, explorative research, data/code sharing, preregistrations, and direct replication studies are highly encouraged; null-findings are honored, if the research is based on a rigorous investigation. CSaB promotes collaboration among scholars of diverse scientific backgrounds (including communication’s traditional subdisciplines as well as emerging areas that integrate biological explanation) to build a richer understanding of shared research questions and methods in the study of human communication.

Why CSaB?

  • Visibility: Our philosophy is to accept as many submissions as possible while maintaining rigor and quality. Last year, we accepted almost 90% of submissions (nearly three times the conference average). 
  • Impact: CSaB research is highly regarded. Submitting to CSaB increases visibility, impact, and scholarly recognition on a global scale.
  • Interdisciplinary Excellence: We collaborate across disciplinary boundaries, leading to innovative research that transcends traditional academic silos.
  • Global Network: We are a global network of scholars, practitioners, and researchers. CSaB opens doors to international collaborations, new perspectives, and the chance to engage in meaningful dialogues that transcend geographic and cultural barriers.
  • Intellectual Exploration: Get feedback on your latest research. Submit a 500 word abstract. Have a new study in mind? Submit a pre-registration plan. Want to show polished work? Submit a full paper submission.

Become a Member and Submit to CSaB

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